Member Nation : Burma

Burma/Myanmar is situated in the Southeast Asian region, surrounded by the Andaman sea, China, India, Thailand, and Bangladesh. In the Capital Region, New York, Burmese-American Community represents one of the most diverse groups among the immigrant population. Roughly two thousand households are settling in the Capital Region - NY, comprising many diverse ethnic groups who are descendants of Burma/Myanmar and trying to pass on long-held traditional heritage to future generations. Burmese American Community came from many different backgrounds with various socioeconomic and educational statuses.



The neighboring countries largely influence Burmese culture. Burmese arts and literature are closely linked to many Hindu myths and Buddhist Pali Jataka tales. The traditional way of greeting "Hello" in Burmese is " Mingalabar," meaning "Auspiciousness to you" in Pali. Music and dance also develop throughout the country thousand long traditions. Traditional arts, music, and dance tend to relate to the ruling monarch or the country's natural beauties or internal emotions and feelings such as love, sympathy, empathy, and happiness. Many of them empathize with indirect personification and metaphors, and analogies.

Ethnic Cuisine


Myanmar staple foods center around fish and fish products, with rice being the primary grain source. Myanmar People enjoy many kinds of rice like paw hsan hmwe, glutinous rice, and purple rice. Some foods that stand out are Myanmar-style rice noodles with a fish soup called "Mohinga," and pickled tea leaves salad called "Lahpet." Other cuisines enjoyed by diverse ethnic groups depend on the local availability. So, in upper Burma, many tend to use multiple pulses and beans, and in lower Burma, fish, seafood-based products like fish sauce and paste. They enjoy many soups, salads, curries, dishes, and condiments rich in local spices and herbs. Myanmar people enjoy many kinds of sweets and snacks like "Mont Lone Yay Paw" (meaning 'round snack that floats on water', which is made with glutinous rice flour and palm sugar sprinkled with shredded coconut) and "Sanwin makin" (Burmese semolina cake). Many tropical fruits and vegetables are abundant, and no wonder country's traditional favorites.

Ethnic Clothing

The typical garment of the Burmese is the longyi or Paso, a sarong worn by men and htamein for women by the 20th century. British colonial rule had changed many traditions according to Western standards to a certain extent, but many still used traditional attire even in daily living. Depending on the ethnicity, clothing also varies. Variations in clothing with ethnic groups include the use of different textiles, man and woman pants, shirts, blouses, and head-dress called gaung baung,, with varied patterns, some embroidered, some metallic shawls studded with silver.

Tourist Attractions

There were several interesting UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Myanmar. Burma shows off many pristine white beaches along the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea, e.g., Ngapali. Vast and serene Inle Lake is one of the top natural beauties in the eastern high mountainous plain. Bagan is one of the wonders Marco Polo once described as the "gilded city." For more information, visit us at *************************************

Reference Links



Miss Festival of Nations - Burma

Say K Paw


