Member Nation : Turkey

Turkish Cultural Center Albany is a non-profit and public charitable foundation for the benefit of the New York State’s Capital District area. The primary goal of TCCA is to promote, support, conduct, and maintain educational programs to prepare our community, in particular our youth, for a peaceful multicultural global society. TCCA organizes after school and weekend classes to enhance the academic success of youth, educational programs to foster better understanding of Turkish language, history, cultural traditions, and arts and crafts,cultural activities to promote mutual understanding and appreciation between diverse communities. We as Turkish Americans purchased a building in Menands, to sustain the operations of TCCA. We are preparing for a long-term permanent presence for TCCA in the Capital District. Our building has two floors, with adequate space (5500 sq-ft).The first floor of the building is used for educational and tutoring activities, and the second floor for cultural activities. TCCA educational activities will be operated under the name of Behice Demirel Learning Center. We would like to thank Mrs. Demirel for her contributions. Turkish Cultural Center Albany is located at 291 Broadway, Menands, NY 12204 Turkish Cultural Center Albany is a non-membership organization and everyone is welcomed to participate in our activities which includes Friendship Picnics. Turkish Classes, English Classes, Turkish Movie Nights, Turkish Ebru Art (Water Marbling) Classes, Seminars on Education, Health and Social issues, Weekend school and afterschool progams.


Ethnic Cuisine

Ottoman cuisine was influenced by Balkan, Arab, Byzantine, Kurdish, Persian and Armenian cuisines. The country's position between the East and the Mediterranean Sea helped the Turks gain complete control of major trade routes, and an ideal environment allowed plants and animals to flourish. Turkish cuisine was well established by the mid-1400s, the beginning of the Ottoman Empire's six hundred-year reign. Yogurt salads, fish in olive oil, sherbet and stuffed and wrapped vegetables became Turkish staples. The empire, eventually spanning from Austria to northern Africa, used its land and water routes to import exotic ingredients from all over the world. By the end of the 16th century, the Ottoman court housed over 1,400 live-in cooks and passed laws regulating the freshness of food. Since the fall of the empire in World War I (1914–1918) and the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923, foreign food such as French hollandaise sauce and western fast food have made their way into the modern Turkish diet.

Ethnic Clothing

Tourist Attractions

Reference Links

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