Member Nation : Ukraine

The Ukrainian National Women’s League of America is the primary Organization participating in the Festival of Nations. We are all also members of the St Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Watervliet New York. There is also one member of our organization that is a parishioner of the St Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Troy, New York.



Ethnic Cuisine

The traditional Ukrainian diet includes chicken, pork, beef, fish and mushrooms. Ukrainians also tend to eat a lot of potatoes, grains, fresh, boiled or pickled vegetables. Popular traditional dishes include varenyky (boiled dumplings with mushrooms, potatoes, sauerkraut, cottage cheese, cherries or berries), nalysnyky (pancakes with cottage cheese, poppy seeds, mushrooms, caviar or meat), kapuśniak (soup made with meat, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, millet, tomato paste, spices and fresh herbs), borscht (soup made of beets, cabbage and mushrooms or meat), holubtsy (stuffed cabbage rolls filled with rice, carrots, onion and minced meat) and pierogi (dumplings filled with boiled potatoes and cheese or meat). Ukrainian specialties also include Chicken Kiev and Kiev cake. Ukrainians drink stewed fruit, juices, milk, buttermilk (they make cottage cheese from this), mineral water, tea and coffee, beer, wine and horilka.

Ethnic Clothing


Tourist Attractions


Reference Links

The Ukrainian National Women’s League of America -
The dance ensemble performing -
Church -


Christina Holovashchenko

